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BCEF Clubs - United Kingdom

BMW Car Club GB

The BMW Car Club of Great Britain was founded in 1952 and celebrates its 70th anniversary in 2022. The Club is a founder member of BCEF (BMW Clubs European Federation).

When founded, virtually all BMW cars in the UK were pre-1939 and the club's initial growth was slow. (Between 1935 and 1939 there had been a Frazer Nash & BMW Car Club in Great Britain, but it did not re-form after the 1939/1945 war). However, the recovery of BMW itself as a vehicle manufacturer, and the growing import of BMW's into the UK saw a considerable increase in club membership. By the late 1970's Regions were formed across geographic areas of Great Britain. There are now 22 Regions, from Cornwall in the South to Scotland in the North. Each Region is run by a volunteer Region Chair, who works with their team to organise local monthly pub and coffee meets, drives, and attendance at regional shows and events. Our Regions are the heartbeat of the Club, and there are Regional events happening all around the country, every month.

In addition to its Regions, the Club has various Series Chairs and Model Representatives to cater for particular models, such as the '02, Sharknose, E3, E30, 7 Series, and Z models. It has a strong and very active M Power section, for all the M cars.

We support owners and enthusiasts of BMW, Mini and Alpina to enjoy their cars to the maximum at home, on the road, at shows and events, and on track. Today the Club has over 4,000 members, which makes it the largest single BMW car club in Europe. The Club publishes a monthly 80 page magazine in full colour, "Straight Six". All events - over 100 each year - are open to all members, regardless of which part of the Club is the organiser. Events include Track Days at different circuits, Concours d'Elegance, virtual events, car shows, and various social meetings. Members from Clubs in other European countries are always welcome.

The Club is a non-profit making organisation, owned and run by and for its members. Our club office is in Aberystwyth in Wales, one of the four countries that make up the UK. The office staff support the volunteer Board of Directors, Regional Chairs, Series Chairs and Model Representatives.

Pre-1963 cars in the UK are now served by our sister club, the BMW Historic Motor Club UK, which is a member of the Classic and Type Club Section of the International Council of BMW Clubs.

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The BMW Club United Kingdom & Ireland

The BMW Club has around 3500 members.

The BMW Club is the only officially recognized BMW motorcycle club in the British Isles and The Republic of Ireland.It has been in existence since 1951 and currently has a membership of over 3,500, not only from all over the British Isles but also Europe and the USA.

The BMW Club is affiliated to The BMF and maintains links with BMW AG, BMW (UK) Ltd, other BMW clubs around the world, and The International Council of BMW Clubs.It is totally self-financing and is completely manufacturer independent.

The BMW Club is organized into 15 Regional Sections plus one HQ/Overseas section. Each section is administered by a section committee drawn from its regional members.'The BMW Club' is the trading name of The B.M.W. Motorcycle Club Ltd. a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England, registration Number 4261129. Registered office: c/o Myerson Solicitors LLP, Grosvenor House, 20 Barrington Road, Altrincham WA14 1HB. VAT no. 344 5870 40.The company is administered by a board of directors (the National Committee) and every section is represented at board level.

The BMW Club is run by, and for, its members and every member of The BMW Club is a member of the company.The Directors, Officers and Officials of BMW Club are all unpaid volunteers who give up their free time to administer The BMW Club.

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